Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 8 2009 Kaori

もう一つの七夕。。。Another Tanabata...

I received comments*
Though it is about my affairs
Today is my wedding anniversary
We talked about going out to eat but,
because my husband couldn't go due to work
I quickly made this===


旦那くんには頑張って仕事してもらった方がいいもんね ^_^
It is too bad about the restaurant but,
Even though Ori-hime and Hikoboshi are husband and wife**
They didn't work at all and were separated
So, for my husband, it is better to work hard at his job, right ^_^

Today, I want to make a toast with champagne!!
It seems he will make it in time for the toast at Xo'clock***
Thank you for the warm words

*She had multiple updates for July 7th. I think she asked for suggestions on what people wanted her to talk about for the day, or something like that.
**Tanabata (or July 7) refers to a Japanese fairy tale about Orihime the star weaver and Hikoboshi the star herdsman. They fell in love and started to shirk their job duties. So they were punished to spend the year on opposite sides of the milkyway. Orihime was so unhappy that her father agreed to let them meet once a year, on July 7th. According to the fairytale, if it rains, the two cannot meet and have to wait another year!
***the "O-時” can be read as "O-ji" or prince. Maybe she is making a pun?

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